So with a little help from my two little terrors, and my normal English sense of humor, this last weekend a new book video was produced.
Don't worry about the sound, it is an old fashioned silent movie, which as you can see the kids really loved making, as it gave them a chance do all kinds of things to their Dad. Also when watching it note my legs are really not that white, it was just the sunlight affect with the camera... honest.
After I made the video and shared it with a few people I received several shocked comments about possibly damaging the book during the water scene. This however I had thought of, and the filming was stopped just prior to that scene and a "Stunt Book" replaced the original book.
So as you watch this book video please note...
No actual book was harmed during it's making. And a "stunt book" was used during the water scenes.
Any way here's today's spotlight book video
If you want to check out The Family Plots video you can check out all about it at
Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
Book Site:http://across-t-pond.com
Follow my daily blog at: http://acrossthepond-storyheart.blogspot.com
Follow my Blog Talk Radio Show at :http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Across-the-Pond
Amazon Reviews: http://tinyurl.com/o7sokpGuardian
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