Today I gave my first presentation at a local school. It was something arranged a few months ago at a school about 25 miles away. I have sent out a total of 25 packages, containing, letters, flyers and information details, and in the case of my local schools a hard copy of the book for their library. I received a total of zero replies, not a letter, email nothing… Thank you schools!
Any way the school visit today was friend of a work mate who happened to be a teacher.
I sent the details as per the other packages which the school thought was great. I received an email a two weeks ago, letting me know how much they were looking forward to my visit, information had been handed out or passed on, and I was now going to be talking to 120 children… Woooooo I expected a class, not three full years!
Any way everything was prepared, information about the Union Jack, read a chapter, have some fun with the various different words (children taking part) sample some English candy (sweets) which I knew the kids would love. I even had some English tea for the teachers.
So thanks to the modern direction finding (I’d have never found it otherwise) I got there about 40 minutes before I was due to start speaking. The fact that I could not find an open door to get into the school and the first person I met when I did get in was the school police officer I was a little worried.
Kids arrived in the library, many still eating their lunches, and it was rather on the noisy side.
Well I got through it, though the kids were not the best behaved, and the teachers apologized after, but heck kids are kids. We had fun, a few laughs and then at the end of it all some very interesting questions and answers.
I did not sell a book, but then once inside the school and seeing how it was struggling I did not expect to. I just hope a few of the 120 enjoyed my visit and learned some information they did not know about before.
I drove back hope thinking about how well it had gone and realized the same presentation could be done for older people, woman’s groups, lodges or whatever.
So it’s one down and as many more as you want ahead, I just need to replenish my English sweets and crisps (Candies and chips) from my local UK shop and I’m ready to go again.
Barry Eva (Storyheart)
Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book Across the Pond)
No fresh reviews today… I can’t be greedy, I have 59 on Amazon already…
Reviews for Across the Pond – by Storyheart at Amazon at… http://tinyurl.com/d6547j
Check out Saturday’s enjoyable interview “A Book and a Chat” with award winning author Joyce A. Stengel. I have received the following request to use this interview on a publishing site.
Hi Barry,\
I’m a member of Pelican Publishing Company’s Promotion Department, and I have the pleasure of doing publicity for author Joyce Stengel. Joyce was a guest on your show over the weekend, and she had given me your contact information. It was a great interview! I was wondering, would it be okay for me to include the link for the interview on Pelican’s website, www.pelicanpub.com ? Our visitors, and Joyce’s fans, would truly enjoy it.
Thanks so much for your consideration!
I have as my guest next Saturday “The Page Flipper” Chelsea avid young reader and blogger. Check her blog site at http://thepageflipper.blogspot.com/
A BOOK AND A CHAT every Saturday 11am EST
My latest radio appearance at thegrits.com
No new reviews to let you know about you can read the 58 reviews for Across the Pond – by Storyheart at Amazon at… http://tinyurl.com/d6547j
Across the Pond