Happy Mothers Day – Across the pond
I have decided that my weekend blogs will be about my home land, Across the Pond, this started with my last blog on how the Union Jack is made up of the three flags of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick.
So Happy Mothers Day, or rather… Happy Mothering Sunday.
Hang on the Americans are thinking.. Mothers Day is in May?
Well it is but that is because an American lady and Hallmark decided it would be better in May than in March.
Here is the run down.
Mothering Sunday, sometimes called Rose Day is a Christian festival celebrated throughout
A religious festival celebrating motherhood has been existent in
he other names attributed to this festival include Simnel Sunday, Refreshment Sunday and Rose Sunday. Simnel Sunday is named after the practice of baking Simnel cakes to celebrate the reuniting of families during the austerity of Lent. Because there is traditionally a lightening of Lenten vows on this particular Sunday in celebration of the fellowship of family and church, the lesser-used label Refreshment Sunday is also used, although rarely today.
Rose Sunday is sometimes used as an alternative title for Mothering Sunday as well, as is witnessed by the purple robes of Lent being replaced in some churches by rose-colored ones. This title refers to the tradition of posies of flowers being collected and distributed at the service originally to all the mothers, but latterly to all women in the congregation.
I can well remember going to church as a family on this day and being given a little bundle of flowers to give to my mother.
Mothers Day in the
Mother's Day holiday, in the
Interestingly, by the 1920s, Anna Jarvis had become soured on the commercialization of the holiday. She incorporated herself as the Mother’s Day International Association, claimed copyright on the second Sunday of May, and was once arrested for disturbing the peace. She and her sister Ellsinore spent their family inheritance campaigning against the holiday. Both died in poverty. Jarvis, says her New York Times obituary, became embittered because too many people sent their mothers a printed greetings card.
Heaven knows what she would think of how it has become with Fathers Day, Grandmothers Day and every down to second cousin twice removed day.
As she said, "A printed card means nothing except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world. And candy! You take a box to Mother—and then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment!"
So Happy Mothers Day – especially to those mothers “Across the Pond”
Across the Pond – Storyheart
It has been a good couple of days with three more reviews taking the count on Amazon to 55… whoops another came in over night make that 56. I feel so thrilled that people are enjoying the book so much. The latest review ends…
“This book combines romance, teenage norms, teenage issues, and a boy who stands up for what is right. Add a teenage girl who is a baseball fan and you have an excellent story of real teens with real issues- and a spicy but appropriate romance!”
Yesterday I had as my guest on “A BOOK AND A CHAT” Beth Fehlbaum, it was a very interesting and enjoyable 30minutes talking to such an inspirational lady.
You can hear my radio interview with Beth Fehlbaum and truly inspirational lady
or at
It went really well, despite losing my connection there was not much dead air. I hope you enjoy the interview.
Across the Pond
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