It's been a while since I passed on any news about my book, perhaps you thought there hasn't been any?
My total on Amazon is now numbering "103"
Since the last time I wrote about reaching the magic "100" I have received a five star and two four star reviews. Here are a few snippets of what the reviews say...
"...a cute love story. Highly recommended for teens."
"Ahhh, young love! This book reminded me of what it was like to fall in love. The young characters were so sweet, I wanted to meet them. This is an easy read and definitely worth your time."
"This is a great read for tweens and teens - and the rest of us who still love YA fiction. There is romance, adventure, misunderstandings and even a big bully you can watch get his comeuppance! Fred comes from England and stays with Brit and her family in America while his parents go to Australia. While he's there, he and Brit fall in love.
Brit and Fred are funny and endearing. I admit it took me a few pages to really get into the story, but when I did, I couldn't stop reading! It's also fun to watch Fred work out all the differences between the languages of the two countries. All in all, Across the Pond is an enchanting story of first love."
While my own "Book and Chat" radio shows are going from strength to strength I have appeared as a guest recently on these shows.
Literary Pizzazz
Red River Writers
Author Buzz
I managed to sell over twenty copies of my book in the couple of days I was at the Big E, not a huge amount, but more than I expected. I am also working with Barnes and Noble and Borders to have copies on the shelves, though you can already order it for them, it now being distributed by Ingrams.
An E-Book PDF file of the book is now available check out the book web site for more details
I have also been asked to a couple of events to talk or be on authors panels.
So that's some of the latest news I thought I would share with you.

BARRY EVA (Storyheart)
Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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