The author, Ruby Dominguez, is challenged by the conflicting complexities of the past and future. Undeterred, she strokes with pen the somber and bright hues of her visions.
Listen as we discuss her life and her new book "THE PERUKE MAKER". Inspired by true events, is a meticulously researched screenplay that is laced with relevance and substance. The book follows the unforgettable spiritual and emotional journey of BRIDGET CANE, a stunning 17th Century woman and SARAH, a product of the
2lst Century who are inextricably bound together in a tenuous journey that comes full circle.
You can listen to the show at
or on my blog at
So why not stop for thirty minutes and listen to this enjoyable thirty minutes of fun and laughter as I chat with Sheila Roberts on today's "A BOOK AND A CHAT"

BARRY EVA (Storyheart)
Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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