Across the Pond – Feb 17th Day 12 of my Virtual Book Tour
Barry Eva (aka Storyheart), author of the young adult romance novel, Across the Pond (Xlibris), will be stopping off at Let me Look at that Book and Ficitonary!
With believable characters, exciting events, humor, first love, education and a little sport thrown in for good measure. Across the Pond is read and enjoyed by people of all ages from the young to the young at heart. You can visit his website at www.across-t-pond.com.
Aross the Pond – Storyheart: A young adult romance novel for all ages.
Another great day on my virtual book tour, it all started of last night with a really entertaining thirty minute radio pod cast with Kim Smith. You can hear the show at…
With myself recovering from back surgery and Kim thick with cold it was more like an episode from ER than a radio pod cast, but then ER could stand for Everybody Reads.
It was fun with both of us currently on our virtual book tours we had loads to talk about
Today, Tuesday is also one of those weird days being my birthday so add that to the equation.
I made two stops on my tour today both with interviews.
Let Me Look at That Book (interview) www.lookatthatbook.blogspot.com
Fictionary (guest post) www.fictionary.com
Both cover different aspects and I hope many visit and read the reports.
As well as that I see quite a few other locations including I might add USA Today have picked up past interviews and reports, all of which helps spread the word about “across the Pond” and me Storyheart.
Left this week I have several more stops, and I must add I am enjoying every one
Feb. 18 – Divine Caroline (interview) http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/49804/65097-interview-young-adult-romance-novelist
Feb 19 - The Writer’s Life (interview) www.thewriterslife.blogspot.com
Feb. 20 - BookReview.com (book review) http://www.bookreview.com/$spindb.query.listreview2.booknew.17719
TV and Book Addict (book review) www.tvandbookaddict.blogspot.com
More events are happening all the time, so join me and my daily blog as I spread the word about “Across the Pond” a book by me Storyheart
Storyheart (Barry Eva)
Don’t Forget…. Spread the word…. You can follow my tour on my blog at
Across the Pond
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