So what have I got to offer you in this weeks "Views, Reviews and Weird, well perhaps not so weird News?
Some fresh reviews at various blogs, a radio appearance or two and history coming back to life
It was interesting to hear this week, that Amazon are charging over $2000 for a video book trailer. Just look around people there are many many many people and companies out there that will create your book video for a tenth of that. Not only that but they will "splat" (tech term lol) your video on other sites such as google, facebook and yahoo as well as Amazon for that price. Again this is just another one of the "big boys" catching unsuspecting authors and charging them up the kazoo.
I have also this week had some lovely feed back from my radio shows, with an ever increasing list of people who want to be on the shows. one thing to remember I WILL ALWAYS FIND A SPACE FOR A SHOW WITH A BLOGGER!!
So any blogger out there contact me and I'll book you either for a written blog interview of for a radio show.
It has been a great week for reviews of every kinds, these are two new ones on Amazon:
4.0 out of 5 stars Teen Memories, July 28, 2009
By Mick (Wisconsin)
Across the Pond is well written and any teenager would enjoy this book,especially the girls.
Fred comes over to America from England (across the pond) to stay with an American family. The family has a daughter, aged 14 and named "Brit" who takes a fond likeing to him. He really likes her, too. He protects her, listens to her fears and they plain like each other.
I sympathize with Fred once being a teenage boy myself as he has to 'take care of' a bully named Steve Harris. He put Brit in a horrendous spot before he got to America. Fred wants his revenge on him. If you are an adult this book will bring back a lot of memories by taking you back to your teen years.
5.0 out of 5 stars Sweet Love, July 28, 2009
By Cassie Mae (USA)
I really enjoyed this book as I like to see the differences of America through the eyes of someone from another country. Across the Pond shows the comparison of words and things with the US and England. I did not know we had so many words that were interestingly different.
Fred comes to stay with the American family who has a daughter his age. The teen romance that ensues is cute and innocent. You hope for them and anyone that tries to get in between them you disagree with.
The baseball game that Fred sees for the first time at the stadium is exciting for him as well as the American family.
This is a great read for a mother and daughter and/or female teenagers to read through the emotions these teens go through. Anyone that has been in young love will relate to this book.
Not weird just something I thought I'd share. A few weeks ago, the eldest man in England died and I blogged about him on my Sunday UK Blog. Remembering WWI etc.
This last Sunday the last British survivor of the World War I trenches, Harry Patch, has died at the age of 111. This just leaves one remaining soldier who fought in WWI
The sole British survivor of the war is former seaman Claude Choules, who is aged 108 and lives in Perth, Australia.
It is hard for many who know only perhaps modern war fair to understand the millions of deaths that happened over several years for a few miles forward and backwards on the trenches. The use of gas, tanks barbwire and machine guns meant the daily going "over the top" was almost suicide.

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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