I am having a few days off from blogging, only because I will be appearing at the Submarine Festival at Groton CT for the next couple of days. It will be my first big event and I am looking forward to announcing to all colonials on July 4th that the English are back. Well my book is *grin*.
This also means I will not be hosting Saturdays Book and a Chat Radio Show.
I am pretty book for guests until about mid September but am always on the look out for anybody who wants to have a chat on a Tuesday or Saturday. I am also looking for bloggers who would like to be interviewed for my Monday Special Guest spot. If so please let me know via comment or email.
I received what I take as a special review today (taking my total at Amazon up to 86)
his was from one of the TOP 50 REVIEWERS at AMAZON. So am am feeling just a little more proud than normal.
5 stars A lovely teen romance that will stir the hearts of people beyond their teens, Charles Ashbacher
This is an excellent romance for teens, even though I am decades beyond the days when the first digit of my age was a one; I was so hooked on the story that I completed it within four hours of receiving it. Fifteen-year-old Frederick (Fred) Squire is a British lad whose parents are taking off to Australia to enjoy a vacation. Fred is spending that time with an American family, a prospect he questions until he meets their daughter Brittany. It is close to teen love at first sight and that begins an adventure having many aspects as Fred struggles to learn American ways. One of his problems is the terminology, for example to him the back of a car is a "boot" rather than the "trunk."
The greatest problems are his relationships with others and dealing with the local bully, a thug named Steve Harris, a boy whose acts include being a serial sexual harasser. Brittany is one of Steve's victims, so she is terrified of him, a problem that Fred helps calm, although calm does not describe the action between Fred and Steve. In true white knight fashion, Fred physically faces Steve down in a manner that would have made the knights of the ancient days of chivalry proud to consider him one of their own.
Although Fred must fly back across the pond to England, the story has a very happy ending that will cheer all readers, especially teens, with romance somewhere in their souls. Even better, some of the action involves baseball and a record-setting home run.
Any way have fun over the holiday weekend, I will be back on Monday with pictures from the festival as well as hopefully some of our new pet.

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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