Over the last few weeks I have seen first hand how the economy and the increased use of the internet for book purchasing is effecting the normal author book signing events.

As anybody who has checked out my interviews, reviews or heard me on the radio knows, I am a great believer in the fact that the way forward for authors is through the internet.
Two weeks ago, I went to see a previous guest of my radio show Nancy Thayer in a local book store, where Nancy and her daughter were signing their books. It was one of the few non rainy days we've had in Connecticut this so called Summer. But I was there chatting for about two hours and Nancy, who is the author New York Times best seller. In that time there were a total of four guests, a friend of Nancy and her three friends.
This last holiday weekend I was at the "Sub Fest" at the submarine base in Groton CT. It was my first experience of being at a major event doing book signing. I was there on Saturday and Sunday, the days when the people were meant to be flocking to such a large event.
Well they might have flocked, indeed for the fireworks on Saturday they closed the base off three hours before the event started the event was so packed. However family's, young children, teenagers and second cousins twice removed went there for the fun fair, food, entertainment (bears, high wire acts etc) and latterly for the firewaorks. With the country as it is the last item they wanted to purchase was a book. Kids would rather have their faces painted or a henna tattoo created.
With six of seven "local" authors both days signing and selling I would guess not more than fifty books were sold.

Sunday was a lovely day and just to be able to sit in the sun, listen to the bands playing, try the various foods and finish with a cold beer, made the trip a pleasant day out.
So what did I learn...
That the internet is by far the best way to sell books unless your terribly famous...or lucky.
Shows and events are over in a flash and forgotten, blog interviews are there archived and for others to follow up on.
I need to prepare more for the next show. Unfortunately due to work issues I had very little time to prepare for the event as I should.
No matter what I did enjoy my time at Groton, met some very interesting people, and at least was able to sit enjoy the sunshine while it lasted.

Needless to say she has now taken over the house.
Tuesday July 7th I have a very interesting guest on my Blog Talk Radio Show 6:30pm EST - http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Across-the-Pond That is Sandee Sgarlata and her teen/YA book The Day After Tomorrow. The first book in the Julia Monroe series.
Saturday at 11:00am EST I have David Liss as my guest with his book "The Devils Company"

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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