As anybody who has read me reviews interviews or heard my comments on either my own radio program or where I have been a guest, you will know I am a great believer in what I call the "Small Blogger". These are the people who read, write and live books are "The 'Sham Wow' of Teen/YA literature", soaking up everything they can read. Today's guest is fairly new to blogging, and this interview I hope will encourage her and show others how much bloggers are appreciated by us authors.
Todays Guest: Arianna
blog spot: FroggieReviews
blog address: FroggieReviews.blogspot.com
How long have you been blogging?
Actually this is the first Book that I blogged about! That is kind of special then
What books do you read?
I read mostly mysteries, some romance, and some young adult. I also love fantasy. And retelling of the classic fairy tales
What is your favorite book and author of 2009?
Ah tough question because 2009 isn’t over yet! But I definitely enjoyed Across the Pond and probably Ridley Pearson’s Killer Summer! I also loved Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire Study by Maria Snyder.
What is your favorite author/book of all time?
Of all time? I have to choose…there are so many. I love James Patterson, Ridley Pearson, Dave Barry, Maggie Sefton, Joanna Carl, Cleo Coyle/Alice Kimberly, Laura Childs. As I said there are too many to choose!
How many books do you have in your library?
I have no idea but I have a library in my house…maybe 1500-3000…I’m not good at estimating.
How many books do you read a week?
Somewhere between 2-4.
Not counting yours, what is your favorite blog to follow?
readergirlreviews.blogspot.com she's one of my really good friends and I’m new to this whole blogging thing!
When is your favorite time/location to read?
Favorite time is after school and on the weekends ALL the time. And Location-the couch or anywhere I can get comfortable.
If you could be a character in any book who would that be and why?
Probably Hermione from Harry Potter. I know that is cliché but, I’m a lot like her with her showing the teachers up so that’s the most obvious choice.
Have you ever thought about or actually written a book yourself?
I’m currently writing my own book and I’m going to try to be done with it by October.
If you had a chance to advertise your blog in any way you could, what would you chose and why?
Make a little flyer and ask my friend who works at a bookstore to distribute it to the customers!
If you had a chance to interview any one author who would that be and why?
Well I have already did a short review with you, and I’m doing a short one with Ridley Pearson but I’d love to interview Laura Childs because her books are set in New Orleans and ever since going there, I’ve been fascinated with the culture and the ghost stories.
If you had a chance what period of history would you live in?
The Medieval times because I just love the thought of running around in a big huge castle in Europe
What is one thing about you that readers might not know?
I love watching sports on TV.
What would you like to change about you if you could?
This probably sounds really arrogant, but I love everything about me. I’ve learned to love my imperfections
Have you ever heard of a “Tree Kangaroo?”
No! What is it?
That I can help you with.... http://www.americazoo.com/goto/index/mammals/30.htm

Arianna, thank you for being my guest, good luck with your blog and with your writing.

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
Whoa...at least 1500 books? She has me beat! Great interview, guys!