Anybody who has listened to my radio/tv broadcasts or read some of my previous blogs will know that I am a great fan of what I call the "small bloggers", that is small is followers not in stature or content.
These diligent readers are the ones who know, purchase and review teen/ya books. Like me, many authors I have interviewed on my blog radio program "A Book and a Chat" have nothing but praise for this great and ever increasing group of people. Their news and views might be followed by a few as a ten people while other sites the readers are into the hundreds. No matter how large a following they have the information they share day after day can do nothing but encourage young and young at heart readers to pick up a book and read.
Now one site is holding a "PEOPLE'S CHOICE YA BOOK BLOG AWARDS".
"Hey, Teenager of the Year" web site has almost 80 entries, in true Hollywood tradition, broken down into various sections.
Best Reviewer Award:
Best Newcomer Award
Best Interviewer Award
Golden Blog Award
Such events can only be good for both bloggers and writers, spreading the word about what this great bunch of literary blog writers produce.
Check out the nominees and vote on this fun event at:

I received this today, and once again am just grateful for the people who take time to review my book.
Across the Pond is a sweet tale of young love and discovery. I honestly could not put this down! I opened the book and was drawn into this story like never before! The book is intended for young adult readers but I was amazed to find myself completely devouring this novel in less than a day! Amazing book and talented writer! Please please do yourself a favor and read this and pass it along to your friends!

A runway bull causes havoc in an Irish Supermarket


Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
Across the Pond
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