Without planning this weeks guests have been people who in one way or another by their writing are providing helpful information and reading for young readers, today's guest Sedrick Muhammad follows this same path.
Sedrick Muhammad in a co-founder and Co of Models for Success, LLC, whose mission s to assist youth and young adults in discovering, developing, and maximizing their potential. This includes helping them to acquire the necessary skills, such as communication, goal-setting and entrepreneurship, which will enable them to thrive as young professionals.
As we discovered during the show one of the items that Sedric has now provided to aid the learning and education of children is a set of books "The Young Professional".
This is a set of ten books which provides career exploration for 3rd and 4th grade students and up. They are written in a format that children will find themselves drawn to the characters indeed they can perhaps see themselves in the roles and the careers that are shown in the books.
Sedrick explained during the show that this, one of the most popular searched for books on Amazon, not only explains about careers, but also covers character education as well as academic support.
The show proved to be both interesting and entertaining, as well as of course educational.
This set of books I am sure will soon find there way into many junior school library's, so why not tune in now or download the file to listen to another time, to "A Book and a Chat with Sedrick Muhammad"
Direct Link:
A Book and a Chat with Sedrick Muhammad - The Young Professional
or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
Sedrick Muhammad
To find out more information about The Young Professional visit the web site at:
The Young Professional
Check out http://abookandachat.blogspot.com
Barry Eva (Storyheart)

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