As anybody who has read me reviews interviews or heard my comments on either my own radio program or where I have been a guest, you will know I am a great believer in what I call the "Small Blogger". These are the people who read, write and live books are "The 'Sham Wow' of Teen/YA literature", soaking up everything they can read.
To this end on Friday at 7pm, I have as a guest on A BOOK AND A CHAT one of the top YA Bloggers THE STORY SIREN
Today's blog interview is something slightly different. While I met her when she she kindly reviewed by book "Across the Pond" on her blog site, she is also known as a savings specialist and webqueen of Freelancebyu.com
Name: Anjie Henley
Blog spot name: Anjie’s World and The Frugal Freelancer
Blog address: www.anjiesworld.blogspot.com
How long have you been blogging?
Since 1998 (before they even had the name BLOG it was “online diary” then!)
What books do you read?:
I enjoy many genres and authors. I even read cookbooks! (true, there is a story in each one of them!)
What is your favorite book and author of 2009?
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
What is your favorite author/book of all time?
Joyce Carol Oates
How many books do you have in your library?
Oh my, too many to count, hundreds if not thousands, I think it is time to scale back a bit.
How many books do you read a week?
It normally takes me longer than a week to read a book, just not enough time in the day for all that I want to do. I am able to complete a book every few weeks.
Not counting yours, what is your favorite blog to follow?
I love Pioneer Woman, she has it all! http://thepioneerwoman.com/
When is your favorite time/location to read?
I prefer to read in my bed, but also snag time in the car riding when my husband is driving on the highways!
If you could be a character in any book who would that be and why?
Alice in Wonderland ……. So many wonderful experiences and she gets her “moves” from C.S. Lewis whose quotes I adore! Write me in!
Have you ever thought about or actually written a book yourself?
Yes, I have three books in mind, one autobiographical, one “how to” / handbook and a cookbook. I have started two of them……….. I have a long way to go.
If you had a chance to advertise your blog in any way you could, what would you chose and why?
I would go on OPRAH, instant success! I love how she is able to help out individuals that have a purpose and goals, she definitely “gives back” and I would do the same if I were in her shoes!
If you had a chance to interview any one author who would that be and why?
I would interview Kate Chopin, she was so ahead of her time and wrote about such controversial subjects while living in the deep south (very brave woman). She has lived in both of the towns in Louisiana that I have lived in. (Natchitoches and NOLA) we would have tons to talk about, it would be an interview opportunity of a lifetime!
If you had a chance what period of history would you live in.
Probably the roaring 20’s!
What is one thing about you that readers might not know?
I would love to go back to school to get a degree in Creative Arts Therapy. I currently have a BSW (Social Work) but the CAT degree is not offered in my state, nor online that I am aware of. I am patiently waiting!
What would you like to change about you if you could?
I would change my location. I would like to move but am still unsure of where I want to replant my roots! I love so many places but have yet to make up my mind as to where “home” should be.
Have you ever heard of a “Tree Kangaroo?”

Yes they are so cute!
Glad the word is getting around :)
If people are interested in being a guest on your blog or sending a book to you and your blog what is the best way to contact you?
Via email: byuwebqueen@gmail.com
Thank you for being my guest Anjie, good luck with your blogs, writing and continue to help people save money.
Don't forget I am always looking for guest for my Monday blogger interviews

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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