Listen to today's tremendously funny "A BOOK AND A CHAT with Eileen McVety"
Eileen's hilarious, tongue-in-cheek twist on the employee handbook, Welcome to the Company (Inkwater Press, ISBN: 978-1-59299-395-6, Trade Paper, $9.95) is the “official” employee manual of the Gordon Wiggins Group, a mythical, yet easily recognizable, corporate entity whose motto is “Failure is our last resort”.
With its hilarious and all-too-accurate assessment of corporate culture, Welcome to the Company leaves no stone unturned in its read-between-the-lines take on the vast difference between what the employee manual says about working for a company, and what it’s really like working there.
It is a book that any person who works for a large corporation or for that matter a small company can relate to and enjoy.
You can listen to the show (as I am now) at
Direct link is (name is different as the show had to be changed)
or on my blog at
Listen and enjoy a fun thirty minutes at...

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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