Listen to today's tremendously entertaining "A BOOK AND A CHAT with Douglas Carlton Abrams"
Douglas Carlton Abrams is a former editor at the University of California Press and HarperSanFrancisco. Abrams writes fact-based fiction that tells an exciting story while at the same time changing the world we live in. His first book, The Lost Diary of Don Juan, has been published in thirty countries around the world and was recently optioned for film.
Listen how we discuss his new book "Eye of the Whale" a page-turning blend of great storytelling and the latest insights of the world's leading environmental scientists.
Learn that to aid his work as a writer, he learned to sword fight dance, swam with whales and even dived with sharks.
A fun and entertaining thirty minutes for all to listen to and enjoy
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Take a break and enjoy a fun thirty minutes as I chat with Douglas Carlton Abrams

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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