As anybody who has read me reviews interviews or heard my comments on either my own radio program or where I have been a guest, you will know I am a great believer in what I call the "Small Blogger". These are the people who read, write and live books are "The 'sham wow' of Teen/YA literature".
blog spot name: another page is used...
blog address: http://anotherpageisused.blogspot.com
How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging for about a year now.
What books do you read?
I read any kind of book. I'm interested in a lot of different things so I have to read many different kinds of book. But my favorite would probably have to be Young Adult. It's what I read the most.
What is your favorite book and author of 2009?
Uhm, my favorite book of 2009, that I've read so far, would have to be Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult. She's one of my favorite authors.
What is your favorite author/book of all time?
My favorite book of all time would have to be The Lovely Bones by Alice Seabold.
How many books do you have in your library?
I have over 150.
How many books do you read a week?
It usually depends for me. Sometimes its 1 or 2, other times it's up to 6.
Not counting yours, what is your favorite blog to follow?
My favorite blog to follow would have to be.. Books Make Great Lovers. Ashley runs a very nice blog and we read different kinds of books, so sometimes when I need a certain kind of book to read, I go to her(:
(That's Ashely at booksaremylove.blogspot.com)
When is your favorite time/location to read?
I don't really have either. I'll read wherever, whenever(:
If you could be a character in any book who would that be and why?
Oh, this is a hard one. I would probably have to choose, Tally Youngblood from The Uglies series. I think that it would just be really fun to live her life, also my friends say that I seem a lot like her, so it would be fun to see if that really is true(:
Have you ever thought about or actually written a book yourself?
Yes, I have thought about it. I'm currently working on one right now. I've started a couple before and one of them actually came very close to being completed.
If you had a chance to advertise your blog in any way you could, what would you chose and why?
I'm not really sure. There are so many different was and I don't know which way would be the best for a blog. But I'd probably have to say, having a well known author talk about you and/or your blog(: something like that.
If you had a chance to interview any one author who would that be and why?
For me, it would be a hard choice choosing between Ellen Hopkins and Jodi Picoult. I would absolutely love to interview both of them. But if I was really forced to choose one, I think I would have to choose Jodi Picoult because she is my favorite author so it would be amazing to have that chance.
What is one thing about you that readers might not know?
Readers might not know that I'm really good at listening and giving advice. I make friends really easily and people always seem to trust me. I'll help anyone with anything.
(That is a good thing!)
If people are interested in being a guest on your blog or sending a book to you and your blog what is the best way to contact you?
The best way to contact me, for anything, would be my email, am.ernsberger@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for being my guest Lexi, keep up the great work and good luck with your blog, we'll be watching for that first book to be completed.

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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