Across the Pond – Feb 15th Virtual Book Tour End of Week 2
Across the Pond – Storyheart: A young adult romance novel for all ages.
Another week has gone by with a lot of stops, visits and issue both in my life and with the book and my virtual book tour. So much write about and share with my readers. So please spread the word, I’d love to have more followers.
A guest post at the Book Marketing Buzz
An appearance that seemed to be enjoyed by quite a few
A previous interview I’d had at Gotta Write Network http://www.gottawritenetwork.com/Barry.html
This is a fun group of people whom I worked with in my previous book release.
During this time however I went into hospital having an operation on my back. The actual op time was nearer 7hrs than the guessed 4/5hrs as they found more damage than at first expected. I came home on Friday 13th still however able to do my radio interview all be it in a slightly shaky voice
You can hear the radio interview on blogtalk radio at
It is a 12/14minute spot where an Author reads and extract from their own book. It is an enjoyable snipped of my book which I know several have already made a comment re their enjoyment of the radio show,
On the same day I appeared at “fictionscribe” with another really enjoyable interview.
All in all despite the trip to the hospital and the being now in pain for the next few weeks everything has been going well.
Several smaller blogs have also added reviews and contests all of which is helping the word be shared.
Interestingly one review did mention the point that perhaps the females in the story.
“Angel and Brit both acted a lot alike, and not in a good way. Under emotional duress, they both fell apart and leaned on Fred and that really quite annoyed me. These girls were so NOT strong characters”
This is actually very good and helpful feedback, and points out the improvements I can try and make in the next book. Though the overall review at http://lainahastoomuchsparetime.blogspot.com/ did state:
Conclusion: It's a nice, short read, cute and worth reading
It all helps, and I’m very grateful for any feed back I receive.
Talking about feedback, I have received some more great reviews over the last couple of days at Amazon, and with the others at blogs sites and places like Flamingnet.
So Different, Yet So Similar, February 11, 2009
James L. Smoot (Tallmadge, OH)
In "Across the Pond" Storyheart brings us a story of young romance, new adventures, and cultural change.
When 14 year old Fred's parents win a trip for two to Australia, Fred has to choose between spending several weeks with his grandparents in Scotland, or spending the time with his parents friend Phil from "across the pond" in the United States. Although he's not happy with the choices, Fred decides to visit the States, and that starts a time of change and adventure with young Fred.
Soon after arriving in the U. S., Fred meets a young girl named Brittany, and that changes his attitude about the whole visit. He meets many new friends, and in the end has such a good time that he regrets having to return to England, and to leave his friends behind.
This was a fun book, and an easy read. Storyheart draws on many of his own experiences from when he moved from England to the United States, bringing firs hand knowledge of the cultural differences between the two countries. It was a good book, and well worth reading.
Sweet Teenage Romance, February 13, 2009
By Sophie S, - See all my reviews
I hesitate calling any book sweet, because that usually turns off potential readers, but I can't think of a better word for this great read. Whether it gets lumped up as a teenage romance, feel good story, or a coming of age book, it shines in each category.
What I liked about this read was the fact that I wasn't ever ahead of the author. Too often authors choose predictable plots or story lines and you can figure out what is going to happen before you turn the page. That wasn't the case here and I was continually surprised by the outcomes and dilemmas the author chose to put her characters through.
I will definitely be sharing this story with several young ladies I know who are always looking for good, wholesome reads.
So what of the week coming up, Virtual Book Tour days 11-15 ?
Feb. 16 – A Cup of Coffee and a Good Book (book review)
Blog Talk Radio with Kim Smith (podcast) www.blogtalkradio.com/kims 8:30pm EST
Feb. 17 ) (which is also my birthday)
– Let Me Look at That Book (book reviewwww.lookatthatbook.blogspot.com
Fictionary (guest post) www.fictionary.com
Feb. 18 – Divine Caroline (interview) http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/49804/65097-interview-young-adult-romance-novelist
Feb 19 - The Writer’s Life (interview) www.thewriterslife.blogspot.com
Feb. 20 - BookReview.com (book review) http://www.bookreview.com/$spindb.query.listreview2.booknew.17719
TV and Book Addict (book review) www.tvandbookaddict.blogspot.com
More events are happening all the time, so join me and my daily blog as I spread the word about “Across the Pond” a book by me Storyheart
Storyheart (Barry Eva)
Spread the word…. You can follow my tour on my blog at
Across the Pond
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