A book has recently been accepted by two companies that are widely used by school libraries, namely Perma Bound and Follett. Annette hopes that Straight Talk will become an essential addition to middle school and high school libraries around the country.
During the show Annette explained how the book is not a "do this... don't do that' sort of book, but one where she provides information, allowing the person to make their own choice, from an educated stand point.
"Straight Talk For Teenage Girls" touches on a variety of issues that teens are confronted with on a daily basis, such as gaining self-esteem, managing emotions, building friendships, coping with problems and learning how to avoid serious mistakes. As well as touching on controversial of subjects, discussing ways to recognize controlling behavior from a boyfriend or girlfriend and how to handle drug and alcohol abuse, promiscuity and teen pregnancy.
The self-tests, case studies at each chapter and the 50 questions from real girls, make the book not only ideal for teenagers, but also for adults who work with teens use the book for discussions. Already used in many schools and groups, this book is a must for all teenage girls.
So check out today's show as we find out about Annette Fuson, and her book "Straight Talk for Teenage Girls" in what was a really interesting and entertaining show.
Direct Link:
A Book and a Chat with Annette Fuson
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Annette Fuson
To find out more information about Annette Fuson and her work visit his web site at:
All About Annette Fuson
Check out http://abookandachat.blogspot.com
Barry Eva (Storyheart)

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