Everyday University High School English teacher Michele Cameron heads off to teach her 11th and 12th grade classes all the classics by well-known authors like Shakespeare, Steinbeck and Harper Lee to name just a few. However she longed to see her name on the shelves of bookstores as well, so she took a chance sent her first manuscript, "Never Say Never".
This has been followed by further hits with "Moments of Clarity" and now her her latest novel "When Lightening Strikes"

Share this very enjoyable chat about Michele and her books, the details, the comments, even what the children in her school think of having a famous author as a teacher. Also information about her new book which will be coming out in February "In Clear and Present Danger" (I'll try and get her back then to discuss that new book.)
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So why not stop for thirty minutes and listen to this fascinating lady as she chats on today's "A BOOK AND A CHAT"

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
Moments of Clarity has an unusual cover. I like it - it would make me pick it up to check it out if I saw it in a bookstore.
Straight From Hel