Tonight my show was "A Book and a Chat with Cindy of Cindy's Love of Books"
As anybody who has read me reviews interviews or heard my comments on either my own radio program or where I have been a guest, you will know I am a great believer in what I call the "Small Blogger". These are the people who read, write and live books are "The 'Sham Wow' of Teen/YA literature", soaking up everything they can read. Today's guest is fairly new to blogging, and this interview I hope will encourage her and show others how much bloggers are appreciated by authors such as myself.
Listen as Cindy tells us about her favorite books of this year and of all time, what she enjoys about blogging, how she got into blogging. About her children's book blog... www.booksuponaweeonesshelf.com (A BBAW award nominee. We also go through some of the items on her blog http://cindysloveofbooks.blogspot.com
It was as expected a fun chat with question from other blogger both online and via the chat room.
Stop and rest for thirty minutes and listen to this fun chat either at
or on my blog at

Barry Eva
Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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