Being always willing to help with such donations for any charity or event I was only too pleased to send them a signed hard back copy of "Across the Pond". Following this and some further emails passing in the night, I was invited along to the event. Then I could actually sign it then and there for the person who had one the item in the auction.
The school was only about seventy miles away but traveling in the rush hour in what was left of hurricane Ike when it arrive in CT (mainly rain) was not the most pleasant of journeys.
When I arrived at the school there were about seventy items ranging from "power saws" and "golf lessons" to a "free pass for homework" and being "principal for a day" in the "silent auction". I am pleased to say my book managed to get at least three bids as well.
After the silent auction came the real auction, I was amazed that such a small school had so many brilliant items for auction. These ranged from a week in a vacation home for ten (went for $1300)through items like "2 round trip tickets anywhere in US that United flies" (went for $550). In amongst all these there was one item I would have liked to have won, in fact it was the final item of the auction
"Zhu Zhu pets".

Was I wrong!!!!
The bidding went way pas the top end of my spending scale, in the end the item sold for $375. So it looks like an overnight queuing outside some of the stores for Black Friday is my only hope.
At the end of the day, no I did not sell any books, nor did I win any auction items.
But I had fun, I made contacts for possible future signings and I had a good time.

BARRY EVA (Storyheart)
Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
"Across the Pond"
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