One item I did find out though was that my guests favorite tipple was Bud Light.
How can a person who has classed themselves as a series beer drinker, have Bud Light as a favorite beer. I have known rugby clubs in England, when being asked for a Bud or Miller Light point the patron in the direction of the bathroom saying "the water tap is in there". It is THAT WEAK.

A warning on the label states: "This is an extremely strong beer; it should be enjoyed in small servings and with an air of aristocratic nonchalance. In exactly the same manner that you would enjoy a fine whiskey, a Frank Zappa album or a visit from a friendly yet anxious ghost."

In the US the percentage shown is basically half the strength, so something that reads 70% proof in the USA is 35% alcohol. In the UK 70% proof is basically (and these are not exact figures) double that. This being the case a 32% beer in England would almost equal a shot of Jack Daniels in the USA.
One of the items Americans always bring up when discussing beer, is that England has "warm beer", this is really not the case. Any "good" pub that sells beer out the barrel which is hand pumped, rather and gassy carbon dioxide forced bubble baths, will keep there beer in a "cellar", thus it is at "cellar temperature".
After all the "almost frozen" beers that Americans seem to like, are so cold, one can never taste the true flavor, as at the first sip, your taste buds are frozen. Of course this loving of very cold drinks can be seen when Americans serve you a spirit or "shot", as there is normally as much ice in the glass as caused the Titanic to sink.

While doing a little research into beers and the strengths I cam across a wonderful site called
Drunktionary, a wonderful place to find out all sorts of terms to do with drinking.
So while I go looking for a bottle of Tactical Nuclear Penguin, it just leaves me to say one thing.
Barry Eva (Storyheart)

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