Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Does the fat lady stop singing after the tour is over?

Does the fat lady stop singing after the tour is over?

What to do at the end of a Virtual Book Tour

After my month long virtual book tour, I wrote to Dorothy Thompson at pumpupyourbookpromotion.com about my feelings after touring for a month. The enjoyment, the fun and the friendships made during the month of the virtual tour and what next could be done.

Today you can find an article on Book Marketing Buzz, with input from Dorothy and some of my original jottings.

The article is was even picked up on the Google Alerts today

So if you’re planning to do a virtual book tour, have just done one, or if you just want a good read please check out


Also you can hear my radio show about the advantages of doing a virtual book tour a clicking on A Book and a Chat with Storyheart (Virtual Book Tours) at

Across the Pond

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Storyheart for all the information.
    One day, I know it all will be very helpful,
    and yes someday, I will take that next step.
