Across the Pond by Storyheart: March 1st
A new month, and the end of my virtual tour. We’ll see what happens from now on.
I feel very lucky to have fallen in with pumpupyourbookpromotion.com and have been lucky enough to become part of the yahoo group. This means that I will be able to visit other author’s blog trips and say hi etc as people did for my virtual tour.
I see one of the ladies Morgan Mandel started her virtual radio show with a test tonight which I just about caught the same as I have done, so that will only add to the offerings for new writers. There are many shows and they will I’m sure be slightly different, yet be great from authors.
Today did not go bye without some more events for myself and my book call it young adult romance call it what ever you like, but people seem to like it so let’s just say it’s a fun book for all.
I managed to do my karoke show last night all sorts of people helped and I did really not have to lift anything but standing/sitting for 5 hrs took its toll on the back etc. Also my voice having not been used for 3 weeks was not up to start with. I will never be able to go back to my rugby club if they find out I was in a bar for 5hrs and just drank tea lol. I tool clothes and tablets along as if it got too bad I was right next to a motel and could have stayed there the night.
So what about today, well yesterday and today.
Firstly I had an interview at Green Bean Teen Queen – Interview
Which several readers seemed to have enjoyed greatly.
That I had an email saying I have a review in the Chicago Sunday Times
Not only that but I actually received a face book message from a person I used to wok with saying they had read about me in the Sunday Times.
I had 5 more people who we are sending copies of the book to for reviews on blog sites, one of which is being sent to Vietnam. I was also told that one blogger actually saw my book ON SALE on target. Or course we check our local Target and so no sign of it, but I hope she will take a photo of it on sale on her Target, Nebraska.
One new review at Amazon, though I don’t think it’s a new review just new to Amazon, I remember the bit about the age from a blog site I think. Still a review is a review.
Cute!, February 28, 2009
By tvandbookaddict (Houston, TX USA) - See all my reviews
This book is pretty darn cute!
This is a nice little story about Fred, a british fifteen year old who has to go to USA to stay with some friends, Phil and Julie, of his dad because his parents are going elewhere on a trip they won.
Phil and Julie are such nice folks and they happen to have a hottie (Fred's words hehe) of a daughter.
Fred goes through quite a few problems on his trip to America. He has to work on a project, writing down the differences between the two languages, an evil boy who seems to have done something mean to someone, and a few other things that you'll find out once you read the book. :D
I thought this book was cute but I have to be honest and say I found the fact that Fred and Brittany loved each other after only three days, somewhat silly. I also was not a fan of the fact that it was so fast paced with not many details, the story was just kind of rushed. This book is aimed at Young Adults, being a young adult, I find that younger people would like it WAY more. It is cute, but not really young adult-ish. Even though I had a few issues with the story, I still found it to be really adorable. I can see this as a very enjoyable movie to watch so I recommend reading it, especially if you're 10+. So read this 114 paged story full of cuteness, baseball, and love all wrapped into one little book. :)
So What is my Book About?
Across the Pond by Storyheart. Is a young adult fiction novel with believable characters, exciting events, humor, first love, education and a little sport thrown in for good measure, this is a book for all ages.
Storyheart (Barry Eva)
Don’t Forget…. Spread the word…. You can follow my tour on my blog at
Across the Pond
Great blog, Barry! I love the radio show running in the background, also!
ReplyDeleteHi Barry,
ReplyDeleteThanks for mentioning me on your blog and thanks for calling in to my pilot show at Blog Talk Radio. I'm still learning the ropes there, one rung at a time, but it's a lot of fun.
Morgan Mandel