I managed to get some different work from my normal blogging about my book “Across the Pond” today
To start with one of my articles appeared on The Book Connection.
We were asked to do a special feature about giving up for lent, and this was my 5 cents worth.
Also I have been working on some video’s I worked on one about my England, yes in case you for got I come from England. Just like Fred in my book “Across the Pond” I moved across the pond to the US in June 2000. But I stayed.
You can share my video all about England at
The music by the way is by one of my favorite singers I was brought up with, called Ralph McTell. He is famous for his song “Streets of London” but has many songs known among the folk singers in England.
On the radio side I am still working on not only appearing on a few more radio shows but hosting my own show every Saturday at 11am EST
This Saturday I am talking about “Virtual Book Tours” and how good they can be for authors.
The show is called “A BOOK AND A CHAT”
You can hear the show at http://acrossthepond-storyheart.blogspot.com/
I am looking for guest AUTHORS AND BLOGGERS to appear on the radio show, all you do is let me know at http://across-t-pond.com/ I’ll send you the contact phone number and we’ll sit and have a chat for 30minutes about your book or I really hope about people’s blogs and what they are reading.
This is more a general chat over a cup of tea than a literary show going into depths of books and writing styles. It is for enjoyment, a couple of laughs and the latest news on the book you've written or read. Not only will I have authors talking about their books, or their virtual tours, but I want to get bloggers to come on and tell everybody about their blogs, what they are reading or have just read, even what is in their book case.
I have visited quiet a few such blogs, many run by teenagers which cover a huge variety of books and provide some wonderful incite from the people these books were actually written for.
Across the Pond by Storyheart.
Is a young adult fiction novel with believable characters, exciting events, humor, first love, education and a little sport thrown in for good measure, this is a book for all ages. I am on 49 reviews at Amazon alone and check all the time to see when I might make that magical 50.
News, views and reviews of me Storyheart and my young adult romance, romance or whatever you want to call it book Across the Pond.
Spread the word…. Follow the blog and enjoy the ride
Across the Pond
If you are interested in appearing on my blog radio show A BOOK AND A CHAT” please email me at acrossthepond@mail.com
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