January is YA Radio month on A Book and a Chat, with special guest throughout the month.
My guest on today's YA MONTH - "A Book and a Chat" was
BREE DESPAIN author of
"THE DARK DIVINE" which had it's launch party just a few days ago.
Like all good times when you are enjoying yourself, this one hour special just seemed to fly by, being both a fun and educational sixty minutes.
During the show we learned about how life and directed Bree along the various byways to find her true calling of producing, this her first, but certainly not her last novel.

The Dark Divine has received rave reviews about her book full of suspense and mystery, characters with unexpected depths, a romantic plot yet with twists and turns that keep the reader wanting to turn the page. And all the time as the tension continues to build you'll learn more about the supernatural elements and the creatures in this fantastic YA novel.

Bree shared with us her experiences from her writing and having Egmont as a publisher, to her book launch where King's English Bookshop or TKE in Salt Lake City, where so many people turned up it was standing room only, how some people even had "Dark Divine" t-shirts. the book stored which actually "asked" if they could host the book launch, and despite extra copies of the book sold out on that day. They even baked special purple halfmoon cookies for the event.
During the show Bree divulged the writing of a second and possibly a third novel about the more in the lives of the Divine family as they deal with their problem and Grace and Daniel learn to accept and cope with the differences between them.
And why does Bree dream about large lumps of cheese covered in honey?
To find out about this and so much more listen to "YA Month - A Book and a Chat with "Bree Despain"
Direct link to the show is...
or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
Bree Despain
To find out more about Bree and her writing visit
The Dark Divine
Listen to the show or else if you want to talk to the guest dial in on 347- 237-5398)
[Times are EST shows are 30mins unless marked]
Jan 2nd – 11:00am Rhonda Stapleton (Stupid Cupid) 1hr
Jan 5th – 7:00pm Bree Despain (The Dark Divine) 1hr
Jan 7th – 6:30pm Tirzah - “Compulsive Reader Blog”
Jan 9th – 11:00am Michelle Zink (Prophecy of the Sisters) 1hr
Jan 12th – 6:30pm Kristi – “The Story Siren Blog”
Jan 14th – 6:30pm Alyssa – “Shayglade Blog”
Jan 16th – 11:00am Sarah MacLean (The Season) 1hr
Jan 18th – 6:30pm Kyle – “Goodreads”
Jan 19th – 6:30pm Jessica – “Chick Lit Teens Blog”
Jan 21st – 6:30pm Sharon – “Sharon Loves Books & Cats”
Jan 23rd – 11:00am Heidi R Kling (Sea) 1hr
Jan 26th – 7pm Carol Lynch Williams (The Chosen One) 1hr
Jan 28th – 6:30pm The Cindy Loves Books Show
Jan 30th – 11:00am Lisa Schroedar (Chasing Brooklyn) 1hr
Check out http://abookandachat.blogspot.com
Barry Eva (Storyheart)